Friday, May 07, 2010

What I Have Been Up To...

No matter the weather I will eat this soup from Panera...

and... Panera for breakfast, ha!

typical Sunday breakfast : Starbucks, Cramers Bakery, newspaper.

Brewery tour.


A delicious espresso martini!

Me & Tim.

New Hair & a New Ice Cream Place.

Captain Crunch Frappucino!

Martha Stewart & Wegmans Cafe.

Uh, More soft serve. Haha.

Homemade Pancakes!

With Chocolate Chips!

Tim Getting in the way (as usual in the kitchen)

Oila! (Turkey Bacon!) My plate is on the left - notice the amounts of Turkey Bacon. =)


It has been awhile, eh?

Let me be honest and say that,
I am just living each day.
I am not living it to the fullest.
I am not living it to the best.
But I am living.

Let me be honest and say that,
My relationship with Christ has been lacking.
I am not spending a set amount of time with Him.
I do talk to Him everyday.
And I listen to DC*B almost everyday and if you know me you know how much that impacts me.
But I am talking to Him.

Let me be honest and say that,
I am not really sure who I am right now.
I know who I am truly.
But that is not who I am right now.
I am a little bit of the truly person.
And a little bit of this person.
But I am a little bit of the truly person.

Let me be honest and say that,
I still think of JRY.
(why the hell am I still?!)
I am so baffled by this.
I want to be healed of this.
I mean I effin think of him everyday.
Not on purpose. I swear not on purpose.
So many things just trigger it.
But I want to be healed of this.

Let me be honest and say that,
Even though the above,
I am dating someone.
And have been for awhile.
I am trying to move on.
I am not sure where it will go really.
Really just having fun and enjoying each other.
But I am trying to move on.