A Picture of Me & My Friends (in random order)
CHRIS- I met him when I was working @ Camp Red Cloud in 2005, he was a youth pastor who brought his youth for a week. We clicked & have been good friends ever since. He has helped me through a lot & I can only hope that I have helped him in some way.
(picture taken in 2008 Austin, Texas)
KATRINA- I also met Katrina at Camp Red Cloud. We worked together & we had a lot in common & felt the same way about a lot of things :) I also went with her to Greeley to meet her future husband & Greeley ended up being my future home. It has been lovely staying in touch with her over the years! She encourages me in life, faith, & craftyness!
(picture taken in 2005 Lake City, Colorado - look how young we look!)
JOEL- Oh Joel! We met online my 1st or 2nd year in college. It was when meeting people online was still scary! Lol. We chatted a lot & even sent each other pictures from our lives. In fact I was really interested in dating him, our religious beliefs have prevented that. He is very intelligent, caring, athletic.
(picture taken in 2008 Austin, Texas)
LIANNE- I met LiAnne working at the library in Greeley. The first day I was training her we were talking & I knew instantly she was a kindred spirit. She taught me to knit & we made delicious things together in her kitchen (bread, mallowmars, soup). Her kitchen is so welcoming & I love it there! She now has a toddler! I love this lady!
(Picture taken in 2009, Greeley Colorado)
MARTINA- Oh what a story this gal & I have! :) We also worked @ Camp Red Cloud together but it was not all that great at first - lol. We did not get along at all! It was not until I had surgery & she had to help me with a shower! That we realized 'hey she is not bad at all' HA! Ever since then I have been so grateful for Martina & I love the life she lives. She is brutally honest & beautiful!
(Picture taken in 2008 in Austin, Texas)
MICHELLE & LAURA- I met these lovely ladies working at the library in Greeley. We are all so much alike. Michelle is so much fun & has a great laugh & wears great dresses! She is caring & a great listener! Laura is adorable & funny. We have a similar personality & have gone through similar things in life. She also has an amazing voice!
(Picture taken 2009 Greeley, Colorado)
KELLI- I met Kelli through a family at Camp Red Cloud. She lived in Greeley & let me just say it was difficult to meet with her at first, her sister was getting married & she was helping out a lot. We finally met up & thus began this amazingly beautiful friendship. Sometimes it has been hard but always great. The most difficult thing has been the distance between us now, she is married & has had a baby since I moved. Ugh life!
(Picture taken in 2007 Greeley Colorado)
BRITANY- Yay! I met Britany through the church I worked at in Greeley. I think I was volunteering for at least 6 months before I even thought 'oh hey, I should see if we should hang out'. I do not know why that is... but I am SO glad I did because this has been the most blessed by a friend I have ever been. She is so generous with her time & assets. She always listens, has a great laugh, has ALWAYS understood where I come from, & has never judged me. This friendship is one for the books. I will truly die if I lose this lady!
(Picture taken in 2008 in Loveland, Colorado)
KARIN- This is Tim's (see below) sister in law, who I obviously met through Tim :) She is kind and crafty and is always willing to make me a caramel mocha! I also feel she is a kindred spirit. We have the same feelings about things in our lives, we get to talk about our guys and laugh. We watch the same shows. A true friendship has formed!
(Picture taken in 2010 Princeton, New Jersey)
TIM- I met Tim at a Halloween Party, we 'went out' for my birthday (because drinking Saki with my housemates was not good enough). It took awhile before I felt like I could date him, he was patient and kind. He is generous and makes me laugh and is smart as a whip when it comes to money. He is always willing to 'lightly touch my back' & buy me a coffee treat. A very kind soul indeed.
(Picture taken 2010 Hopewell, New Jersey)
& of course I must mention 2 families that I do not have pictures with ( I have pictures of them though!)
WOOTENS- Oh these people! :) I met Aaron first at church in Greeley & then I met his wife Sarah. At the time they had a daughter & Sarah was pregnant with Aricin. (Who was born on my birthday!) I began Wooten sitting a week after Aricin was born and that was that folks. That kid took my heart (& has not given it back yet!) A year later Kael was born! This whole family has challenged me & has helped me & has blessed me. Aaron especially has helped me so much in my walk and with me accepting myself for who I am. Something I will never forget it.
BARNES- I met the Barnes through church in Greeley. I dog/house sat for them & through that I ended up moving in with them for a bit & the rest is history. Haha. I house sat for them a few more times after that & then they had their 2nd baby & I watched the kiddos for them. Winter of 2008 they moved to Florida & asked me to help them move to Florida. Charles & Andi are 2 of my favorite people, their marriage is one that encourages me & teaches me so much. I miss them insanely much (& their 2 doggies!). They have always been there for me since we met & I will never forget.
**** It will be VERY hard to top this post. It has been a blessing to write about these people that are a great deal apart of who I am, I hope to always remember!)****