Saturday, February 19, 2011

Wardrobe Challenge - Skirt 13

White Shirt - Target (I love their tissue t's), Black Dress - Old Navy, Blue Sweater - Old Navy, Black Boots - Target (via my Fella)

On Thursday I had an interview. It was not an interview for a job that I truly desire, or for a job that I got a degree in. But it is a job that I have experience in (albeit 8 years ago), it is a job that I can move up in, it is a job that offers awesome health insurance (even if you are part time!), it is a job that gives raises every 6 months.

Right after the interview I was offered the job. My first day is Tuesday. Horray!

I can either work part time & still collect unemployment & work on From Alaska With Love or I can work full time. I have until March to figure out which one I want to do.

I am lucky to be working with people I know, with people I have become good friends with, with people who have served me & know that I am a good person :)

I am lucky that I know people in other locations who have worked at this company & who have had good things to say about it.

I know it will be difficult at first because this job has nothing to do with my degree & at first the pay is going to be ok. But if I grow in the company that will take care of itself, if I promote my business more & expand what I make - that will help supplement my income.

The way I see it, if I enjoy my job, if I wake up & am glad to be going to my job then that is all that matters.

So I am just going to take it one day at a time.

*** This post is vague because I am waiting for a few people to return my calls - so that I can tell them more about this! AHEM - Britany! Call Me!!!! Love, You!***

1 comment:

Katrina @ Pics, Pages & Purls said...

Hey I just gave you a Stylish Blog award on my blog! I miss you friend!!!