Wednesday, September 01, 2010

30 Days of Me - Intro & Day 1

Ok, so I was reading Pamplemousse! Blog & she is taking a part of the 30 Days of Me Challenge that was started on this Blog. I thought it was interesting but was not in the mood to blog but then over on Courtney's Blog and she is starting it today & said that it works out perfectly since September has 30 days! (she is a smart cookie). So here I go!

Day 1: Post a recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself
(a rare photo of me in my glasses combined with an unrare -haha unrare- cup of coffee)

1. I have 5 brothers 0 sisters.
2. I was born in Anchorage, Alaska.
3. I refuse to drink Pumpkin Spice Chai unless it is cooler out.
4. I moved here for love.
5. I lost that love.
6. I can type really fast.
7. I am a very good baker.
8. I love sending out mail.
9. I have a coffee pot in my room.
10. I love libraries.
11. Iphones/Android Phones/etc intimidate me.
12. I am really bad at uploading my pictures to Flickr.
13. I love craft stores.
14. Thrift store skirts are my most favorite.
15. I hate Trenton.


Katrina @ Pics, Pages & Purls said...

very nice...I think I'm going to do this as well! So stay tuned... :)

Jenn said...

Yay! I look forward to reading!

Stony and Brit said...

Jenn it has been fun catching up on all your blogs. I'm excited for the next 30 days! I think this is a great idea...maybe I'll try it...but not this month. :)