Thursday, December 30, 2010

Hello Internet Land!

Boy am I tired! Thank goodness for extra shots of espresso in my coffee today! I was up late reading the night before last (330am!) & had to be up by 9ish to go to a family gathering of Tims. & then last night I fell asleep during the football game (hoping & wishing) I would sleep through the night. Nope! I woke up 3 hours later hot & thirsty & the dumb game was still on! So then I was awake until 1 am! & poor Tim could not fall asleep for 2 hours! He had to be to work by 9am. Poor fella!

Some good things happening:
I got these for Christmas! Yay!

They are the Moleskine monthly calenders! I saw on Amazon that they went up in price by 30 dollars! CRAZY! I am glad that Tim's parents got them when they did! I agree with some of the reviews... the first half of the calender is full of junk information but I plan to write shopping lists over them :) I love the idea of these so much! (I will write why & my mission in the next post, which will go up later on today.)

My dad & step mom stopped by New Jersey when they were driving back to Maine from North Carolina. It was so great seeing them! With the exception of my college graduation (& then only my dad came - that made me upset) they have never visited me where I have lived since high school (Missouri, Illinois, Colorado, & then here) So even though it was a short visit I was so glad to be seeing them!

I am sponsoring a blog this month! I will admit it is hard for me to 'describe myself' & to 'promote myself' mainly because I do not want to be 'tooting my own horn' :) SO please go on over to Kam's blog & see what this thing is all about! (note: on Kam... we because internet acquaintances when we were in the same art journal class & then we began twittering & all that & now we are penpals! Yay!)

My mom hired me to make necklace/bracelet sets for Christmas gifts. & boy was it a lot of work! But my mom paid well :) & going back to the 'tooting my own horn' thing - I was looking back at the pictures the other day & I am really proud of what I did! Here is a picture of the necklaces before wrapping them up.
My mom said that they got great reviews & that one of my aunts is sending me beads & buttons from the 1950's! First I will make her some jewelry from them & then I get to keep the rest! Oh Yay!

I write about this because since that order I did not want to make any jewelry until the new year so in a few days I will have a pretty rockin' Etsy update, which is perfect timing with the sponsorship!

Alrighty, I am off to run a few errands! I hope your day is going lovely! It has been 50 degrees here lately, which was nice & of course now it is freezing! Stay warm!


1 comment:

Katrina @ Pics, Pages & Purls said...

those are beautiful necklaces!!! I'm glad that your Christmas was good...I'm actually trying to come up with a name for my etsy store and start with some little kids/baby hats and such. :)Hope your week is GRAND and that God will lend you an extra measure of grace during it!